X-Ray is an Android app developed by Duo Security (http://www.duosecurity.com/) that scans your device for vulnerabilities that could be potentially exploited. It focuses on privilege escalation vulnerabilities: the sorts that would make the attacker root.
App scanning vs. system scanning:
X-Ray does not scan apps, it scans the device’s firmware (or ROM) comprising, among other things, the underlying kernel, third-party native libraries and any system binaries.
Source: http://www.arm.com/images/androidStack.jpg
In Android’s software stack (see picture), this means the linux kernel, certain library components e.g., WebKit, libc among other things. System binaries that are utilitarian in nature e.g., logcat, adb are also part of the ROM that X-Ray app scans.
As one can see, it is clear that X-Ray chooses a different layer of the software stack altogether to scan for vulnerabilities. Mobile anti-virus apps rely on scanning applications per se while X-Ray scans the underlying system software whose vulnerabilities the malicious apps exploit. The argument put forward by the authors of X-Ray is that fingerprinting malicious apps can get out of hand considering the fact that slightly different variants of known malware are engineered on a regular basis and catching up with this not only requires time and effort but does not do a good job: malware that has not been fingerprinted yet can evade anti-virus checks. Note that there are a large number of app developers whose code needs to be fingerprinted and on a platform like Android, the inertia for becoming a developer being low, anyone/everyone could be an app developer.
On the other hand, system software (kernel, open-source libraries etc.) operate in a more controlled environment: people who maintain these things are fewer in number albeit distributed. For instance, issues in Android’s linux kernel ought to be tracked by Google, OEM’s like Samsung and/or Carriers such as T-Mobile; open-source libraries are maintained by known entities whose responsibility it is to track and resolve known (security) bugs. This means that, unless a vulnerability is solely at the application layer, one could attribute a given security bug to a known entity where the bug exists. From then on, it’s the entity’s responsibility to fix this bug and not let malware writers exploit it. In contrast, classical anti-virus solutions only tell the end-user if an app is malicious or not; the blame is solely on the app developer. The end-user does not have the knowledge of where the fault for the malware lies: Is the malware writer (app developer) doing something nasty on my phone or is he/she simply exploiting a known fault in the system software?
X-Ray scans the system software and (with user’s consent) collect information on what vulnerabilities persist on a phone’s ROM. Assuming the app becomes popular with the users and many install them and consent to the app collecting security related information, it would be interesting to see if and how the blame is shared among different entities. For instance, to what extent is Carrier X to blame for not shipping a security patch for a known bug? This, in turn, could motivate a collective petition on the users’ part seeking immediate remediation from the entity who is to blame. The authors of X-Ray concede that the incentives for a given entity to expend effort pushing a patch are skewed: let’s say a device A from carrier X has a known unpatched vulnerability; while X gets to work on updating all device A’s, a new device running the latest ROM (patching the known vulnerability) is out and users have started upgrading to this new device, perhaps more due to wanting a newer phone that wanting a more secure phone. How does this incentivise X? Questions like these require a more broader study on the cost-benefit aspects of patching and patch deployment.
Personally, I feel X-Ray is a step in the right direction. From their website, I gather that they have some preliminary dataset from about 20,000 Android devices that have installed their app, and they have found that over half of these have unpatched vulnerabilities. For those interested, one of the main chaps behind the app, Jon Oberheide, has an upcoming webinar next week. See http://info.duosecurity.com/webinar-mobile-vulnerabilities