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A graduate seminar: current topics in computer security

Dry Run Format

As you are hopefully now aware, you are expected to do a dry run of your presentation with me at least a week before your presentation.  (If your presentation is less than a week from now, let me know, and we will work something out.)  I wanted to share with you what we will be doing and what I will expect.

First, we will spend some time discussing the paper.  I will be looking to see how well you understand it, and can offer some clarifications if there are areas where you have questions.

Secondly, we will run through your slides.  I will not ask you to make the entire presentation, but ask you to explain the logic behind it (what are you trying to do – what is the structure,) and then ask you to walk through your slides one by one and explain to me how you are going to give the lecture.

If you have any questions, let me know.  My e-mail is tbook at rice.

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