Information Security Links
Here is a small set of links and places to find cool security events and discussions. Note that this list can never be complete, it serves as a good starting point. There are a plethora of sources and this barely scratches the surface.
If you find a source that might be interesting, please let me know and I will add it to the list, if it meets the requirements. Also, if you are an international student and you find interesting information security links in your native language and you want to share, I am open to posting those too. The world is big, thus security community, as a global entity, is very small. If you have questions about where to find even more information, videos, conferences, etc., please let me know, and I will point you in the general direction.
I will periodically update this page as people submit stuff or I see things that pop-up.
[Web Sites]
[International Links]
[Hacker Journals]