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A graduate seminar: current topics in computer security

Information Security Links

Here is a small set of links and places to find cool security events and discussions.  Note that this list can never be complete, it serves as a good starting point.  There are a plethora of sources and this barely scratches the surface.

If you find a source that might be interesting, please let me know and I will add it to the list, if it meets the requirements. Also, if you are an international student and you find interesting information security links in your native language and you want to share, I am open to posting those too.  The world is big, thus security community, as a global entity, is very small. If you have questions about where to find even more information, videos, conferences, etc., please let me know, and I will point you in the general direction.

I will periodically update this page as people submit stuff or I see things that pop-up.

[Web Sites]

http://www.cyberwart.com/blog/ — Matt Wollenweber
http://www.gnucitizen.org/categories/blog/ — Dont know this guy, but interesting stuff no less
http://www.openrce.org/articles/ — OpenRCE (Reversing)
http://dontstuffbeansupyournose.com/ — S7ephen and Lawler
http://www.offensivecomputing.net/ — Malware, Malware, Malware, and very good posts supporting analysis
http://ha.ckers.org/ — RSnake, CEO of SecTheory (Web Security)
http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/, — Jerimiah Grossman, CEO of White Hat (Web Security)
http://blog.zynamics.com/ — Zynamics, Reverse Engineering and Malware Profiling
http://intrepidusgroup.com/insight/ — Intrepidus, Mobile Security
http://threatpost.com/en_us/blog-list — Collection of Security News and Posts
http://phed.org/ — Mike Eddington, Creator of Peach Fuzz
http://dvlabs.tippingpoint.com/blog/ — Tipping Point DVL and ZDI, good reversing posts
http://codypierce.com/ — Previously at TP
https://mattoh.wordpress.com/ — Matt Oh Creator of Darun Grim
http://trailofbits.com/ — Dino Dai Zovi, Mac Hacker
http://www.phreedom.org/ — Alex Sotirov, One of the Guys who helped break SSL
http://strydehax.blogspot.com/ — Stryde Hax, Good demonstration of security skills to benefit society
http://www.honeynet.org/ — Honeynet Research Alliance
http://sunbeltblog.blogspot.com/ — SunBelt Software
http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/ — Charlie Miller, the Guy who hacked the IPhone, a few times
http://schmoil.blogspot.com/ — Another Guy who has helped beat down SSL CAs
http://contagiodump.blogspot.com/ — Mila, Cool place to get custom, under the radar malware
http://research.pandasecurity.com/ — Another cool place to see malware torn apart
http://www.inreverse.net/ — Yet a better place to see the malware torn apart
http://www.metasploit.com/ — Metsploit attack framework
http://cryptocity.net/ — Dan Guido’s Site
http://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram.html — Bruce Schneier’s Cryptogram

[International Links]

http://www.xakep.ru/ – Russian Information Security New Site, translator required
http://www.thedarkvisitor.com/ – Blogger Reporting on the Chinese Underground

[Hacker Journals]

http://phrack.org/ – Phrack